Sarsha, Dali, Amanda and Caitlin make up our wonderful team of nurses. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience between them. They are an important part of our team.
They run nurse-led clinics for chronic disease management for conditions including: diabetes, asthma, osteoarthritis, rhuematoid arthritis, heart disease, pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease.
The core activities of a chronic disease clinic include:
Development and implementation of a patient education program
Discussion and setting self management goals, and re-establishing these if the patient relapses
- Setting clinical targets and strategies to pursue
- Strong linkages with GP management including medication management
- Development of a GP Management Plan, (GPMP)
- Shared care with other health professionals (Team Care Arrangements)
- Referral to other health professionals for specific care requirements
- Ongoing review and support
The nurses also:
manage chronic wound dressings
perform childhood and travel vaccinations
- perform workplace flu vaccinations
- triage and emergency treatment